COVID 19: triggered migration Part II

By Malini Shankar Digital Discourse Foundation Thirty eight year old Nayaz works as a freelance driver in Bangalore in India. He earns a grand income of Rs. 13000 ( € 151.281 / US $ 176.644) a month. He is educated and speaks flawless English. He has good inter personal skills and can boast of some good public relations. His regular clients’ list reveals his dependable traits. Yet he cannot monetise his skills and traits to make a decent standard of living. If a benevolent client sponsors his lunch during driving hours he can save some money on his food, he says. COVID 19 triggered lockdown scaled down his meagre opportunities of part time employment too. People were not going out, they did not need him to drive them around. That meant no income. He has seen better days. He was working in a Printing Press in Saudi Arabia but an industrial accident left him with loss of four fingers on his right hand. The four fingers are now barely seen as stubs. H...