Book review Waiting for Turtles Pankaj Sekhsaria & Vipin Sketchplore Karadi Tales Company Pvt Ltd, Chennai, July 2021 ISBN 978-81-9473-243-3 Rs 250. Waiting for Turtles captivates a Child's imagination Waiting for Turtles , A story for young children by Pankaj Sekhsaria, an environmentalist and academician, is set in pristine Tarmugli, an island and a turtle nesting site within the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park in the Andaman Islands. The book starts off with Samrat preparing to go with his mother, a turtle researcher, to the beech for turtle watching. “It was December and this Sunday evening…instantly makes you sit up with reminiscences of the devastating Asian Tsunami on 26 th December 2004 - a Sunday - incidentally. One evening, Samrat, the story’s protagonist, accompanies his mother, a sea turtle researcher, to watch the turtles coming in at Tarmugli. Sekhsaria simply and lucidly captures the bo...