Woe betide the fate of the Abandoned Elephants in Andaman Nicobar Islands

Wildlife Week Special Abandoned Elephants in Andamans' Interview Island face neglect By Malini Shankar Digital Discourse Foundation Imagine looting the habitat of the wild animals and then persecute them with such brute violence on innocent mute wildlife. This is how anthropogenic conflict manifests in the Indian agricultural landscape. Picture credit, Biplab Hazra, courtesy Wildlife Conservation Society, India. Woe betide the fate of the Abandoned Elephants in Andaman Nicobar Islands The fate of the abandoned Asian Elephants in Interview Island of Andaman Nicobar Islands (12 0 52’24.14”N 92 0 42’ 27.81”E) is at best non-descript. Given the lack of political will to protect what has been defined as ‘invasive species’ by the scientific community the lives of the endangered Asian Elephants are at stake in the forlorn volcanic islands, tucked away from the scrutiny of mainland conservationists and the Press. There are also a lot of spotted deer or Axis axis too...