DDF Editorial: Relocating the cheetahs calls for caution more than credit

Digital Discourse Foundation It is too early to applaud the success in relocating the first batch of Namibian cheetahs to the Kuno Palpur National Park in Northwest Madhya Pradesh where it adjoins the buffer zone for the migration of wildlife in nearby Ranthambore Tiger Reserve. Only political green horns, the ecologically illiterate and the eulogizing tribes will commend the relocation of these cheetahs. On paper, all the boxes are ticked favourably for the Namibian cheetah relocation. They will be reintroduced in batches, first enclosed in protected enclosures for acclimatization, introduced to prey, monitored and satellite tracked etc. Those singing eulogies may even cite the precedent of relocation and reintroduction of tigers into Sariska after poachers slaughtered 22 tigers in the premier tiger reserve. Let’s face facts. Sensitive fragile creatures like cheetahs can suffer serious injuries to life and limb when threatened. Namibian cheetahs thrived on grassla...