Subsidiary Body on Implementation 5 inaugurated at UNCBD COP 16 by India's NBA Chairperson C. Achalender Reddy

 Malini Shankar

Cali, Colombia.

Digital Discourse Foundation

C. Achalendra Reddy, chairperson of India’s National Biodiversity Authority and Chairman of the UN’s Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 5) inaugurated the Subsidiary Body on Implementation in UNCBD’s Conference of Parties 16 venue in Cali Columbia today.

SBI 5 is meant to focus on implementing the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. Reddy dwelt on Biodiversity targets. Stake-holder involvement, NGOs, Government agencies are critical he said. Inter-agency coordination with multiple government departments is critical for ex-situ conservation of medicinal plants in the wild. This will help multiple stakeholders including indigenous people, civil society participants, NGOs, and so many others.

Earlier at a Press Conference he said “The digital programme targets for (National Biodiversity Stratigic Action Plans) - NBSAPs is most challenging”. Dwelling on the significance of medicinal plants Reddy emphasised that ex situ cultivation of medicinal plant is the very manifestation of stake holder participation as indigenous people will benefit with pharmaceutical companies rewarding indigenous peoples’ knowledge. Thus in situ conservation of natural ecosystems can simultaneously be achieved.

He also explained during the inaugural session that inter agency coordination is critical for National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) to achieve the targets (of the 23 ambitious targets set forth in the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework) … Different departments in India are working on this …. Irrigation department, forest department”… to achieve this, he explained.

New Zealand, Cuba, Congo, Kyrgystan, Lao, China, Japan were among the countries that made presentations at the inaugural session, after the session was declared open today in Cali. In the next three days deliberations will dwell on the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) by all 196 signatory countries during SBI 5. The main Conference of Parties will be inaugurated on Sunday 20th October and plenaries will commence on 21st October.



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